Welcome to Gacha Grab!

Gacha Grab is a game for Azuki collectors, weebs, and anime superfans. Collect Credits, play for gachapons, and who knows, maybe you’ll be rewarded!

Gacha Grab has three key steps.


Earn Credits


Spin to Win


Collect Gachapons


Earn Credits

Activating your NFTs: The best way to earn Credits is to connect your Azuki.com profile that contains Azuki, Elemental, or Beanz NFTs. Once you start the game, each of your Azuki, Elementals, or Beanz NFTs will begin earning Credits

In order to participate in earning Credits, your NFTs must remain unlisted across all exchanges and must be held in your connected wallets.


A single Azuki with a Collector Score of 1,000 will earn at a rate of 1,000 Credits per day, while an Elemental with a score of 100 will earn at a rate of 100 Credits per day. To see an example, view an NFT on Shao’s Collector Profile.

Boosting with Squads

Your Credit earn rate can be boosted when you create squads! You can combine an Azuki with Elementals and/or Beanz into a squad to increase the earn rate of each NFT in the squad.

Additionally, you can create special Elemental, Gold, and Spirit Squad combos if each NFT in the squad has a required emblem. NFTs in these special squads have a significantly higher chance to reveal rare Elemental, Gold, and/or Spirit gachapons. To learn more about emblems, visit this blog.

Note: the Elemental type Beanz also satisfies the Spirit combo requirement for Beanz


5% bonus

Azuki + Beanz


6% bonus

Azuki + Elementals


10% bonus

Azuki + Elementals + Beanz


10% bonus

Chance of Elemental Gachapon

Elemental Combo


10% bonus

Chance of Gold Gachapon

Gold Combo


10% bonus

Chance of Spirit Gachapon

Spirit Combo

Green Bean Bonus

If you own a Green Bean NFT, you can apply it to an Azuki to gain a 2% earn bonus. Green Bean bonuses cannot be stacked meaning an Azuki can only have one associated Green Bean at any given time. If an Azuki NFT is transferred, the Green Bean bonus is removed.

Alternative ways to earn Credits

If you don’t have any Azuki, Elemental, or Beanz NFTs (or do, but want to earn some extra Credits), you will soon be able to participate in other ways. Make sure to follow @animecoin on x.com to stay up to date when quests are available!


Spin to Win

To play for Gachapons, head to the home screen. There, you’ll see all NFTs that are ready to spin, along with the bonus Credits you’ve earned through social engagement tasks! Here’s how it works:

To be eligible to play, an NFT must have earned 100 Credits or more. Note that plays occur per NFT — this means that you can’t combine Credits across NFTs. All eligible NFTs will be automatically highlighted. Click “Play” to start!


If Azuki No.8754 has 75 Credits and Beanz No.4101 has 27 Credits, neither are yet eligible to play. However, if Azuki No.8754 has 125 Credits and Beanz No.4101 has 99 Credits, then the Azuki is now eligible to play.

Bonus Credits

You may also have Bonus Credits from completing Bonus Quests. Credits aren’t attached to any NFTs. As long as you have 100 Credits, you can play the game. However, you are limited to Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 gachapons when playing with Bonus Credits.


Collect Gachapons

With each play, you have a chance to win one of eight gachapons, each with different reward levels. No one knows what’s inside them, but we’ll find out soon!

Descriptive Alt Text

What are my reveal odds?

The likelihood of revealing higher tier gachapons increase depending on your Azuki.com Collector Status Tier and Level. For detailed rates, click here.

Listing or selling your NFT

Be careful, gachapons earned from NFT Credits (i.e. ones that aren’t from Bonus Quests) will stay with the NFT if sold and transfer to the new owner. However, gachapons won from Bonus Credits (i.e. social engagement) will stick with your profile.